Awards & Fellowships

Alma Book Award, 2024. The manuscript for my second full-length book of poems, The Valleys Are So Lush and Steep, won the 2024 Alma Book Award (selected by Timothy Liu, Roberto Tejada, and other judges) and will be published by Saturnalia Books in Fall 2025.

N.E.H. Post-doctoral Fellow in Poetics. Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry. Emory University, fall 2021-spring 2022.

National Jewish Book Award Winner, 2021 (as publisher). EOAGH Books, a press that I edit and publish, won the National Jewish Book Award in Poetry for The Book of Anna, by Joy Ladin.

Lambda Literary Award Winner, 2017 (as publisher). EOAGH Books won the Lammy Award in Bisexual Poetry for the book Mouth to Mouth, by Abigail Child, published in 2016.

Lambda Literary Award Winner, 2016 (as publisher). EOAGH Books won the first-ever Lammy Award in Transgender Poetry for the book succubus in my pocket, by kari edwards, published in 2015.

WAC (Writing Across the Curriculum) Fellow, English Department, Kingsborough Community College, fall 2013-spring 2014. In this position I helped teach other teachers at Kingsborough how to integrate more inventive and engaging writing activities into their classes.

Robert E. Gilleece Fellow, CUNY Graduate Center, fall 2008 – spring 2013. The most prestigious Ph.D. fellowship at the Graduate Center during this time period, the Gilleece was awarded to a select number of incoming students (up to 10 per year) who showed exceptional academic potential. The awardees were chosen by the Gilleece Fellowship Committee and were based on nominations presented by all Ph.D. programs.

Lambda Literary Award Finalist, 2014 (as co-editor). The anthology Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics, which I co-edited, was a Finalist in the LGBT Anthology category.

Gill Ott Award. Chax Press., 2007. My first book Since I Moved In was selected for this award by Charles Alexander, Eli Goldblatt, Myung Mi Kim, and Nathaniel Mackey.

Robert Penn Warren Awards, 2002. Anthology of New England Writers. John Ashbery selected my poem “Toy” for an Honorable Mention.

GAT / Graduate Assistant in Teaching Fellow, English Department, University of Arizona, 2000-2002.